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Y years ago, Person A was M times older than Person B. Currently, Person A is older than Person B by N years. What are their ages now?
Line 1: 3 integers: N M Y
Line 1: A B, Person A and B's age respectively.
0 < B < A < 100,000
0 < NMY < 100,000


The current situation is that \(A = B + N\). \(Y\) years ago, the situation was \(A = B \cdot M\), which means that:

\[ \begin{array}{rrl} & A-Y =& (B - Y) M\\ \Leftrightarrow & B + N - Y =& B M - Y M\\ \Leftrightarrow & B =& \frac{Y - Y M - N}{1 - M}\\ \Leftrightarrow & B =& Y+\frac{ N}{M - 1} \end{array}\]

Finally, \(B\) can be used for the first formula. Implementing the routine in JavaScript then looks as follows:

var inputs = readline().split(' ');
var N = +inputs[0];
var M = +inputs[1];
var Y = +inputs[2];

var B = Y + N / (M - 1);
var A = B + N;
print(A + " " + B);