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Original Problem


Your program must judge results of marathon runners and choose the best one.

The result of each runner is represented as HH:MM:SS, where HHis hours, MM is minutes and SS is seconds.

You are given N results and the smallest time is the best.
Line 1: a integer number N.
Next N lines: 8 characters, a time result.

The best result.

0 < N ≤ 10
0 ≤ hours < 24
0 ≤ minutes < 60
0 ≤ seconds < 60


The crucial step to solve this problem is parsing and normalizing the runners time. We can do this by splitting at the colons and reduce the given time to seconds:

function parse(s) {
  var t = s.split(":").map(Number);
  return 3600 * t[0] + 60 * t[1] + t[2];

This function can now be used to implement the rest of the solution to find the minimum time:

var min_s = null;
var min_n = Infinity;
var N = parseInt(readline());
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
  var t = readline();
  var n = parse(t);
  if (n < min_n) {
    min_s = t;
    min_n = n;   
